Early Career Researchers
Among the objectives of the IGU Urban Geography Commission is to motivate and capture the attention of young researchers:
a) Incorporating new topics that respond to their concerns and research interests.
b) Opening a space for them to present their theses, with a dual purpose: to receive guidance from senior professors/researchers to reorient methodological aspects; exchange experiences, knowledge and methodologies with other young researchers.
c) Publishing their contributions in articles and book chapters.
d) Rewarding the best research based on two categories: articles and theses.
An annual competition is held to reward the best papers submitted.
Come and take part!
Chair of the Committee
Ludger Basten | TU Dortmund, Germany |
Members of the Committee
Dan O’Donoghue – Chair | Canterbury Christ Church University, United Kingdom | daniel.donoghue@canterbury.ac.uk |
Natsumi Akimoto | University of Tokyo, Japan | akimoto@inf.shizuoka.ac.jp |
Liliane Barakat | Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, Lebanon | liliane.barakat@usj.edu.lb |
Marcela Dametto | University of Sao Paulo, Brasil | damettomarcela@gmail.com |
Maedeh Hedayatifard | Allameh Tabataba’i University, Iran | md.hedayati@gmail.com |
Andre Horn | University of South Africa, South Africa | hornac@unisa.ac.za |
Iago Lestegas Tizon | University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain | iago.lestegas.tizon@gmail.com |
Reinaldo Machado | University of Sao Paulo, Brazil | rpmgis@usp.br |
Lidia Mierzejewska | Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland | mierzeja@amu.edu.pl |
Gustavo Nagib | University of São Paulo, Brazil | guganagib@gmail.com |
Weibin Peng | Normal University, China | pwb7129@hznu.edu.cn |
Celine Rozenblat | University of Lausanne, Switzerland | celine.rozenblat@unil.ch |
Manuel Suarez | UNAM, Mexico | msuarez@igg.unam.mx |
Ivan Townshend | University of Lethbridge, Canada | towni0@uleth.ca |
Jun Yamashita | University of Kyushu, Japan | yamasita@scs.kyushu-u.ac.jp |
Suhong Zhou | Sun Yat-Sen University, China | eeszsh@mail.sysu.edu.cn |