Publications of IGU Urban Geography Commission
We are please to announce you the publication of the book :
International and Transnational Perspectives on Urban Systems
Editors: Rozenblat, Celine, Pumain, Denise, Velasquez, Elkin (Eds.)
Springer, Coll. Advances in Geographical and Environmental Sciences
This edition
- Presents a new urban system theory
- Is based on comparative empirical studies of urban systems linked to the urban system theory
- Covers urban systems for diverse parts of the world
- Shows cross-typologies of the world urban systems
- Provides multi-scalar governance diagnostics and recommendations
This book reviews the recent evolutions of cities in the world according to entirely revised theoretical fundamentals of urban systems. It relies on a vision of cities sharing common dynamic features as co-evolving entities in complex systems. Systems of cities that are interdependent in their evolutions are characterized in the context of that dynamics. They are identified on various geographical scales—worldwide, regional, or national. Each system exhibits peculiarities that are related to its demographic, economic, and geopolitical history, and that are underlined by the systematic comparison of continental and regional urban systems, following a common template throughout the book. Multi-scale urban processes, whether local (one city), or within national systems (systems of cities), or linked to the expansion of transnational networks (towards global urban systems) throughout the world over the period 1950–2010 are deeply analyzed in 16 chapters. This global overview challenges urban governance for designing policies facing globalization and the subsequent ecological transition. The answers, which emerge from the diversity of situations in the world, add some reflections on and recommendations to the “urban system framework” proposed in the Habitat III agenda.
Digital Cities and Spatial justice. Proceedings of the IGU Urban Commission Annual Meeting 2017. University Federal of Salvador de Bahia
Editors: Antonio Angelo Martins Da fonseca, Antonio Puentes, Brais Estevez Vilarino
ISBN: 978-84-697-4984-5
Urban challenges in a complex world: Resilience, governance and changing urban systems. Proceedings of the IGU Urban Commission Annual Meeting 2015 University College Dublin, Ireland
Editor: Niamh Moore-Cherry
Geographical Society of Ireland
Special Publication 14
ISSN: 0791-0681
Sir Peter Hall: Pioneer in Regional Planning, Transport and Urban Geography, SpringerBriefs on Pioneers in Science and Practice 52
Editors: R.D. Knowles and C. Rozenblat (eds.),
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-28056-1
- Moore-Cherry N, Pineira-Mantinan M-J (2015) Addressing Complex Challenges: Social, Economic and Cultural Transformations in the City, Young Scholar Vol.4, Santiago de Compostella: IDEGA, USC and IGU Urban Commission
- Bohan Ch (2015) Automobile Corporate Networks in Europe: Sectoral specialization of Central and Eastern European Cities
- Venceslau I. (2015) The Importance of the Territory: Postal Logistics and the Urban System in Brazil
- Porsche C. (2015) Metropolitan Regions and the skilled labor problem: a challenge for regional governance systems?
- Leopoldo E. (2015) The Space in Transition: from urban-industrial economy to metropolitan-financial economy
- Rossignol C., Kebir L., Becue V., Diab Y. (2015) Tall Buildings as Urban Objects for Sustainable Cities? A New Approach to Characterise Urbanity of High-rises
- Comerford-Morris R. (2015) An Investigation of the Processes of Urban Image Construction in Dublin, Ireland
- Hao P. (2015) Residential Segregation and the Spatial Pattern of Housing Provision in Post-Reform Chinese Cities: A Case Study of Shenzhen
- Wayne K.D Davies (Ed.) (2015): Theme Cities: Solutions for Urban Problems, Springer
- Maseratu Hino and Jun Tsutsumi (eds.) (2015), Urban Geography of Post-Growth Society, Tohoku University Press, Sendai
- O’Donoghue D. P. (Ed.) (2014) Urban Transformations: Centres, Peripheries and Systems. Ashgate publisher.
- Kotze N., Donaldson N. and Visser G. (2014). Life in a Changing Urban Landscape. Proceedings of the IGU Urban Geography Commission 2013 in Johannesburg and Stellenbosch (Urban challenges in a complex world) Edited by the University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg
- Mierzejewska L., Parysek J. (ed.), 2014. Cities In a Complex World: problems, Challenges and Prospects. Poznań: Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe (pp. 274)
- Pineira Mantinan M.J. & Moore N. ed. 2013, Transforming Cities: Urban Processes and Structure, Geography Young Scholars Vol. 3. Santiago de Compostela: IDEGA, USC and IGU Urban Commission.
- Pineira Mantinan M.J. & Moore N. (2013): A new Urban Crisis: International Perspectives
- Németh A. (2013): Multi-level development perspectives and the European Capital of Culture: Pécs 2010 and Turku 2011
- Kubo T. (2013): Changes in the housing market in Tokyo: Residential preference and condominium supply
- Trouillard E. (2013): Development of a financiarized rental investment product: Private serviced residences in the Paris region (Ile-de-France)
- Verdol M. (2013): Port governance reform and spatial planning: A comparative approach of Le Havre and Rotterdam port authorities’ role in their region
- Pineira Mantinan M.J. & Moore N. ed. 2012, Changes in the City, Geography Young Scholars Vol. 2. Santiago de Compostela: IDEGA, USC and IGU Urban Commission.
- Stoian D. and al (2012): Bucharest: The public space in the residential areas
- Kubo T. and Yui Y. (2012): Changes in the Condominium Market in Japan after the 1990s
- Frauendienst B. and Redecker A. (2012): Children’s independant mobility in Germany: Where is Germany heading?
- Chamusca P. (2012): Urban regeneration in Porto: Reflections on a fragmented sub-regional space, without institutional powers and “lost” between central government and local authorities
- Pineira Mantinan M.J., Moore N. ed. 2011. New Trends in the Renewal of the City. Young Scholars Committee. IDEGA: Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia.
- Comerford R. (2011): Urban identities in a globalising world: Reimaging Dublin city
- Pérez Guilarte (2011): Old Havana: Tourist use and perception of its image as an urban destination
- Janicka A. (2011): The old town center of Swiebodzin – revitalization as the dynamization of space
- Vila Vasquez J.I. (2011): Une analyse critique des “flagships projects” urbains: Le cas de la bibliothèque nationale de France
- Izhak Schnell. ed. 2011. Proceedings from Tel Aviv 2010: Special issue. Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis. Volume 3, Issue 2.
- Herbert, D., Schnell, I. Piñeira Mantiñán, M.J. ed. 2010. Urban Trends in the Iberian Peninsula. The Open Urban Studies Journal, Vol.3, Ed. Bentham
- Reddy Anant G. ed. 2009. Multilayered Cities and Urban Systems. Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority and Osmania University, 857p.
Before 2008
Yan Xiaopei and Xue Desheng. ed. 2007. Urban Development, Planning and Governance in Globalization. Sun Yat-Sen University, 618p.
Ruben Camilo Lois Gonzalez. ed. 2006. Urban Changes in Different Scales: Systems and Structures. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 748p.
Murayama, Y. and Du, G. eds. 2005. Cities in Global Perspective: Diversity and Transition. Tokyo: College of Tourism, Rikkyo University with IGU Commission, 626p.
Fortuijn, J.D, A. Horn and W. Ostendorf, eds. 2004. Gendered Spaces in Urban and Rural Contexts. GeoJournal, Vol. 61, No. 3, p215-304.
Pak, M. ed. 2004. Cities in Transition. Ljubljana: IGU Urban Commission and Dept. of Geography, University of Ljubljana, DELA 21, 605p.
Pacione, M. ed. 2004. Changing Cities. Glasgow: IGU Urban Commission and Strathclyde University Publishing, 365p.
Horn, A. ed. 2004. Perspective on Urban Spheres. Pretoria: Dept. of Geography, Univ. Pretoria (CD-ROM).
Davies, W.K.D. and I.J. Townshend, eds. 2002. Monitoring Cities: International Perspectives. Lethbridge: Graphcom Printers, 610p. Calgary meeting 2001 :
Schnell, I. and W. Ostendorf, eds. 2002. Studies in Segregation and Desegregation. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Kim, I., Y-W. Nam and J-H. Choi, eds. 2002. Diversity of Urban Development and Urban Life. Seoul: Seoul National University Press.
Ianos, I., D. Pumain, and J-B. Racine, eds. 2000. Integrated Urban System and Sustainability of Urban Life. Bukarest: Editura Technica, 518p.
Aguilar, A. and I. Escamilla, eds. 1999. Problems of Mega-Cities: Social Inequalities, Environmental Risk and Urban Governance. Institute de Geographia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.
Droogleever Fortuijn, J., S. Musterd and W. Ostendorf, eds. 1998. International Migration and Ethnic Segregation: Impacts on Urban Areas. Special issue of Urban Studies, Vol. 35, No.3, p367-602.
Ostendorf, W., L.S. Bourne and D. Pumain, eds. 1997. Urban Systems and the Diversity of Urban Development. Special issue of GeoJournal, Vol. 43, No. 4, p303-403.
Ostendorf, W., P. Korcelli and R. Sinclair, eds. 1997. Urban Development and Urban Life in International Perspective. Special issue of Geographia Polonica, Vol. 69, 197pp.
Davies, R., ed. 1996. Contemporary City Structuring. I.G.U. Urban Commission & Society of South African Geographers. Cape Town, South Africa.
Braun, G.O., ed. 1994. Managing and Marketing of Urban Development and Urban Life. Dietrich Reimer Verlag, Berlin.
Palomaki, M. ed. 1995. Acta Wasaensis (Finland), Special Issue Vol. 45 (6).
Pumain,D., T. Saint -Julien, eds. 1991. Cities in Movement. Urban Systems on the Eve of the 21st Century. Acta Geographica. Geografisch Instituut Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven.
Bannon, M., L.S. Bourne and R. Sinclair, eds. 1990. Urbanization and Urban Development. Proceedings of the I.G.U. Urban Systems and Development Meeting, Dept. of Urban and Regional Planning, University College, Dublin.
Bourne, L.S., R. Sinclair, J. Ferrar, D’Entremont, eds. 1989. The Changing Geography of Urban Systems. Proceedings of the I.G.U. ‘Urban Systems in Transition’ Conference, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain.
Bochert, J., L.S. Bourne and R. Sinclair, eds. 1986. Urban Systems in Transition. Netherlands Geographical Studies, No 16, Utrecht and Amsterdam, 248 pp.
Bourne, L.S., B. Cori and K. Dziewonski, eds. 1986. Progress in Settlement Systems Geography. F Angeli, Milano.
Bourne, L.S., R. Sinclair and K. Dziewonski, eds. 1984. Urbanization and Settlement Systems. Oxford University Press.