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Payment methods:
To register and pay in English, please use the following link: https://www.azur- colloque.fr/DR05/inscription/ inscription/52
To register and pay in French please use the following link: https://www.azur- colloque.fr/DR05/inscription/ inscription/52/fr
The Urban Commission of the International Geographical Union (IGU) in collaboration with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and the University of Paris are pleased to invite you to its 2022 Annual Conference, taking place in the Université de Paris, Campus Grands Moulins
IGU Urban Geography Commission Annual Conference – from 23rd to 27th July 2022
C20.42 – Urban Commission: (Re-)Thinking Cities And The Urban: From The Global To The Local, IGU
Géographie-cités, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
University of Paris
University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Campus Grands Moulins, University of Paris
Amphithéâtre Buffon
15 rue Hélène Brion
75013 Paris
General transportation informations can be found on the website of RATP. The campus of Université Paris Diderot is accessible through:
- Metro: Bibliothèque François-Mitterrand (BNF), line 14.
- RER: RER C station Bibliothèque François-Mitterrand (BNF).
- Bus: Lines 89, 62, 64, 325.
- Vélib’ Métropole: Station n°13055 Map
In recent decades, the conditions of urban development have undergone profound changes with the diversification of actors involved in real estate development projects, stimulated by unconventional macro-monetary policies and urban governance agendas increasingly aligned with private/financial interests. The concentration of real estate investment in the heart of city-regions is leading in many countries to a two-tiered structuring of real estate markets, with, on the one hand, residential and business space becoming unaffordable in central areas, and, on the other hand, declining property markets due to urban shrinkage in urban fringes and secondary cities. These developments challenge the “social pact” that had hitherto guaranteed capital accumulation through home ownership in cities, introducing large disparities in the geographies of wealth accumulation. They also deprive a large part of the national population of access to the exclusive resources of the city-regions and hinders the development of the social economy. Faced with these changes, grass-root collective action and other bottom-up initiatives are taken by a variety of local actors to promote more inclusive property development projects in city-regions (e.g. through community land trusts) and to revitalize the centers of shrinking cities.
The Greater Paris region, which will host the Urban Commission workshop in 2022, provides a good illustration of the tensions arising within the private sector, between the initiatives of large development groups and the innovative but very fragmented projects of civil society. With the construction of Europe’s largest metro infrastructure underway and the prospect of hosting the Olympic Games in 2024, the Greater Paris region is currently undergoing numerous large-scale redevelopment projects that are profoundly restructuring its urban fabric. These projects point to the growing role of private actors, most notably property developers but also railway/metro infrastructure operators (SNCF, RATP), in the financing, imagining, shaping and building the city. Yet some initiatives also reflect the increasing involvement of civil society in urban (re)development through frugal approaches such as temporary urbanism.
The special focus of the Paris IGU workshop aims to shed light on the comparative processes of urban restructuring through the prism of real estate projects in diverse urban settings, from regional towns to major financial centers. We invite papers adopting an actor-centric perspective to document the urban generation strategies of increasingly influent players in property development (e.g., infrastructure operators, key public landowners, financial investment funds, providers of essential services and/or smart technologies, civil society and social economy actors) and address the social-spatial effects of their projects. Papers may also focus on State action at different levels to encourage or hinder these changes. We also welcome contributions on the spatial differentiations of property markets, and their implications for housing wealth accumulation in ageing societies. This special topic intersects with three foci of the Annual Conference of the IGU’s Urban Commission (i.e. 1, 3, 5, see below) but are not necessary limited to these foci.
- Cities as driver of, and driven by, transformational change
- Cities, urban systems and nation states
- Urban areas under pressure of transformation
- Climate change, resilience, urban health and well-being
- Governance, institutions, urban policy
Extended abstracts must be written within the template provided and uploaded to the registration platform before 28th February, 2022.
For researchers who wish to apply for the Early Career Researcher Award, the deadline for submission of abstracts is 1st March, 2022. The template is the same. For more information about the competition and the rules, please visit the section Paper Competition 2022: https://www.igu-urban.org/emerging-scholars-committee/
Conference dates: 23rd – 27th July 2022 (2 days of pre-conference field trips included)
Deadline for abstracts submission:
a) In general 28th February 2022
b) For those to apply for the Early Career Researcher Award: 1st March 2022
Acceptance of abstracts: 15th of March 2022 & 31st of March for Early Career.
Registration fees 190€. This amount includes the welcome cocktail, the two-days pre-conference excursions (not the transport by metro) and the lunches during the three days of the conference.
Gala dinner: Not included in the fees. We will keep you informed depending on how the COVID19 pandemic evolves.
Opening of registration & payment: 17th April 2022
Deadline for Registration: 15th of June 2022
Payment methods:
Early career researchers are considered before PhD completion or within 5 years after.
The Commission provides grants to help defray the costs of young participation to the Conference. Please note that, due to limited availability of funds, the IGU Travel Grants provide only the contribution to registration.
In selecting applicants to receive awards, preference will be given to young or emerging scholars, in particular to those from developing countries. Please note that full participation in the conference, including the closing ceremony, is required.
The selection will be made according to an extended abstract of 5-6 pages (longer than the regular abstract). The application to the grant must be indicated in the registration form and in the beginning of the abstract form. The template of abstract is the same, but the abstract must be more consistent in order to better judge of the content
July 23 (Lunch is not included)
- Morning: the Concorcet Campus, setting up a university campus in a working-class district and urban fabric of northern Paris.
- Afternoon: Saint Denis Pleyel, a site intended to host the Olympic and Paralympic Village for the Paris 2024 Games.
July 24 (Lunch is not included)
- Morning: the Vaugirard workshops, an urban renewal project on a metro maintenance site (RATP)
- Afternoon: visit of a site of transitory occupation; strolling through the ZAC Paris Rive Gauche and the Bruneseau project.
Organizers recommend Campus Condorcet
– Studette 25m2 (2 persons)
From 1 to 4 nights: 70€ (excluding tourists tax) per night.
From 5 to 7 nights: 300# (excluding tourist tax) for the totally
– Studette 30m2 (2 persons)
From 1 to 4 nights: 76€ (excluding tourists tax) per night.
From 5 to 7 nights: 350# (excluding tourist tax) for the totally
All studios comprise a Kitchenette
To book the studios on the website : https://www.breakandhome.com/condorcet/en/, enter the code “Condorcet2021” for adapted rates.
To book the studios by e-mail or phone:
Contact person: Mrs Aziliz DAJOUX (please mention that the reservation is for the CU-IGU meeting) Residence Manager – La Maison des Chercheurs Campus Condorcet |
Tel :+33 – (0) I Mob : +33- (0) 32 05 71 81 |
Participants who need an invitation letter for VISA APPLICATION, please indicate in the registration platform.
Uneven globalization of real estate: a comparative approach
Ozan Karaman is a CNRS researcher, based in LATTS (Research Centre on Technologies, Territories and Societies) in France. He was previously a Lecturer in Human Geography at the University of Glasgow, and a researcher in Urban Sociology at the Singapore-ETH Centre. His work has been in urban political economy, urban theory, and comparative urbanism. He is currently undertaking an ERC funded research project titled “the Urban Revolution and the Political,” which examines uneven globalization of real estate markets, exploitation of urban land rent, and the ways in which these are contested at different scales.
Multiple property ownership in times of ‘wealth-middle class’ accumulation
Laure Casanova Enault is an associate professor in geography at Avignon University, UMR CNRS ESPACE laboratory. Her research aims at understanding the links between urban development and property market mechanisms. She also works on prospective scenarios for future urban development, based on more sustainable market rules. As a methodologist, she has developed an expertise in micro-level data analysis from fiscal datasets on property ownership and transactions. She carries out analysis of land and housing markets with spatial analysis methods and she conducts qualitative interviews with different stakeholders (eg. landowners, policy makers).
Natacha Aveline-Dubach, CNRS professor at Géographie-cités, Condorcet Campus
Renaud Legoix, professor at University of Paris
Catherine Côme, communication manager at Géographie-cités, Condorcet Campus
María José Piñeira, University of Santiago de Compostela.
Markus Hesse, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Javier Delgado Campos, UNAM, Mexico
Céline Rozenblat, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Natacha Aveline, Research director CNRS-Paris, France
Dani Broitman, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Hermanus Geyer Jr., University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
Maria Gunko, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Shenjing He, University of Hong-Kong, China
Niamh Moore, University College Dublin, Ireland
Julio Pedrassoli, University Federal Salvador de Bahia, Brazil
Jun Tsutsumi, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Ludger Basten, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany
Dan O’Donoghue, Canterbury Christ Church University, United Kingdom
Natsumi Akimoto, University of Tokyo, Japan
Aoife Delaney, University College Dublin, Ireland
Marcela Dametto, University of Sao Paulo, Brasil
Maedeh Hedayatifard, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Iran
Andre Horn, University of South Africa, South Africa
Reinaldo Machado, University of Sao Paulo, Brasil
Lidia Mierzejewska, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
Gustavo Nagib, University of São Paulo, Brasil
Weibin Peng, Normal University, China
Manuel Suarez, UNAM, Mexico
Ivan Townshend, University of Lethbridge, Canada
Jun Yamashita, University of Kyushu, Japan
Suhong Zhou, Sun Yat-Sen University, China
Natacha Aveline-Dubach, Research director CNRS, Géographie-cités
Renaud Legoix, professor, Université Paris, Géographie-cités
Catherine Côme, communication manager, Géographie-cités
Fanny Cottet, PhD student, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Géographie-cités
Mathilde Pedro, PhD student, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Géographie-cités
Inès Delépine, PhD student, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Géographie-cités
María José Piñeira, Professor, University of Santiago de Compostela.
Markus Hesse, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Javier Delgado Campos, Professor, UNAM, Mexico
For information for the fees and the abstracts submission:
Prof. Natacha Aveline-Dubach. natacha.aveline@cnrs.fr
Catherine Côme. catherine.come@cnrs.fr
Prof. Dr. María Jose Piñeira Mantiñán. mariajose.pineira@usc.es